Frequently asked questions about Transino White C Clear
Transino White C Clear is taken for the purpose of relieving spots. It says in the package insert that if you take it for more than a month and the symptoms don't get better, stop taking it. Can't you drink more than that?
After taking it for a month, please check if there has been any improvement in the symptoms. If there is any improvement, you can continue taking it.
If there is no improvement, it may be caused by other diseases, so please stop taking it and consult your doctor, pharmacist or registered seller..
Transino White C Clear is taken for the purpose of relieving spots. If it works, can I take it for a long time, such as a month or more.
If you take it for a month and see an improvement in symptoms, you can continue taking it..
How much should I take Transino White C Clear to relieve spots?There are individual differences, but it is a guideline that the effect begins to appear around the first month. If you can't improve your symptoms after taking it for a month, please consult your doctor, pharmacist or registered seller.
When should I take Transino White C Clear?
You can take it twice a day in the morning and evening, before or after meals..
How to take Transino White C Clear effectively?
It is recommended to observe the usage and dosage and take it continuously.
How many hours should I have to retake Transino White C Clear?
There is no definition of how many hours, but it is effective to take it twice in the morning and evening.
Transino White C Clear, like Transino II, is there a specified duration for taking for 2 months?
Transino White C Clear may be caused by other diseases if symptoms are not improved after taking it for a month, so stop taking it and consult your doctor, pharmacist or registered seller. If you take it for a month and see an improvement in symptoms, you can continue taking it.
There is no designation such as 2 months..Please tell me when to switch from Transino II to Transino White C Clear. Can I drink it the next day?
You can take Transino White C Clear from the next day after taking Transino II for 2 months.
Can I use Transino White C Clear in conjunction with the Transino Skincare Series?
You can use it together.
Transino White C Clear doesn't work on melasma?
There is no efficacy or effect of melasma. For melasma, we recommend Transino II which has efficacy and effect on melasma.
.Does Transino White C Clear also work on male spots?
Transino White C clear thinning spots and freckles is a mechanism that is not related to gender, so of course, it can be expected to be effective in relieving the pigmentation of male spots..
Can I take Transino White C Clear with Transino II?
Because there are overlapping ingredients, it can not be used together. You can take it during the transino II drop period..Can Transino White C Clear be taken during pregnancy?The efficacy and effect is "vitamin C supplementation during pregnancy and lactation", so you can take it. However, since it is a medicine, please observe the usage and dosage, and consult your doctor in the early stages of pregnancy..Can transino White C clear be taken during breastfeeding?The efficacy and effect is "Vitamin C supplementation during pregnancy and lactation", so you can take it even while breastfeeding..If I take Transino White C Clear, can my urine turn yellow?
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) contained in Transino White C Clear may make urine yellow.
Transino White C Clear's package insert "Notes related to ingredients and amounts" says "It may affect the test value of urine and stool". What does it mean?
Vitamin C has a reduction effect, so you need to be careful because it may interfere with the test of urine and stools using reduction and oxidation effects (for example, urinary glucose test and stool occult blood reaction, etc.).What are the features of Transino White C Clear?
From "Transino White C" to "Transino White C Clear", and additional nicotinamide is added. This has led to four types of vitamins that keep the skin healthy. Also, the dose at a time has changed from 3 tablets to 2 tablets.
.What is the difference between Transino White C Clear and Transino White C so far? What's better than conventional products?Added nicotinamide. As a result, there are four types of vitamins that keep the skin healthy. ( Vitamins E, B2, B6, nicotinamide) and the dose at a time has changed from 3 tablets to 2 tablets..
What are the calories of Transino White C clear?It's 7.5 kcal / 4 tablets (adult daily dose).